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Англо-русский Русско-английски словарь по телекоммуникациям - gop


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closed gop
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См. в других словарях

  (G. O. P.) см. Grand Old Party ...
Англо-русский лингвострановедческий словарь
  Grand Old Party noun "Великая старая партия" (неофициальное название Республиканской партии США) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  abbr. US Grand Old Party (the Republican Party). ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   abbreviation Grand Old Party (Republican) ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  ~ n the GOP AmE Grand Old Party; the Republican Party in US politics ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  U.S. gov. abbr. God's Own Party U.S. gov. abbr. Government Of the People U.S. gov. abbr. Grand Old Party mil. abbr. General Operating Procedures mil. abbr. Gas Oil Petroleum mil. abbr. Gun Of Plasma mil. abbr. Growth Opportunity And Patriotism chemis. abbr. Gas Oil And Plutonium univ. abbr. General Orientation Program mathem. abbr. Goodness Of Prediction funny abbr. Grumpy Old Patriarchs funny abbr. Give Out Pork funny abbr. Grand Old Package funny abbr. Give Out Patronage funny abbr. Gripe Often Persistently funny abbr. Gauntlet Of Power funny abbr. Grand Old Porkers funny abbr. Guns Over People funny abbr. Grand Old Politics funny abbr. Guy's Own Party funny abbr. Great Opportunities For Profits funny abbr. Gatecrash Our Party funny abbr. Good Ol Pub funny abbr. Gut Our Public funny abbr. Get Old People funny abbr. Greedy Oligarchic Power funny abbr. Ground Out Privacy funny abbr. Gnomes Of Power funny abbr. Greed Over People funny abbr. Greed Over Patriotism funny abbr. Good Old Plutocracy funny abbr. Greedy Oppressive Phonies funny abbr. Get Out And Party funny abbr. Great Opportunity Party funny abbr. Got Other Priorities funny abbr. Gluttons Of Privilege funny abbr. Grand Old Plutocrats adult abbr. Gang Of Pigfuckers adult abbr. Greedy Old Parasites adult abbr. Greedy Overbearing Psychopaths adult abbr. Gun Owners Prohibited adult abbr. Greed Or Piety adult abbr. Grabbing Other Peckers adult abbr. Greedy Obnoxious People adult abbr. Gutter Obscene Politics adult abbr. Get Off Pristine adult abbr. Gang Of Prostitutes adult abbr. Gutless Old Putzes adult abbr. Greedy Old Pissants adult abbr. Grand Ole Perverts adult abbr. Gain Obscene Profits adult abbr. Group Of Perverts gen. comp. abbr. Group Of Pictures sport abbr. Game Oriented Play account. abbr. Gross Operating Profit ...
English abbreviation dictionary


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